Defiance Sezon 1 Episod 8 I Just Wasn�t Made for These Times Online Subtitrat

Defiance Sezon 1 Episod 8 I Just Wasn�t Made for These Times Online Gratis

Vizioneaza Defiance Sezon 1 Episod 8 I Just Wasn�t Made for These Times Serial Online Subtitrat in limba Romana Fara Intrerupere

Gen: Actiune | Drama | Sci-Fi
Nota IMDb: 7,5
Actori: Grant Bowler, Stephanie Leonidas, Julie Benz

The series is set in the near future, where aliens known collectively as Votans have come to Earth seeking a new home after their solar system was destroyed. However, when they reached Earth, they discovered despite a prolonged negotiation with the government on Earth, they were not welcome. Rather than turn away, they began a war with the humans as they are determined to make Earth their new home.

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